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Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

WW Giles is against all forms of Human slavery and trafficking.

The company ethical policy, which is displayed in the office confirms that: ‘The company will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking and procedures are in place to prevent this occurring in the workplace of WW Giles.’

All new staff are interviewed before being employed and details and references are followed up to confirm the history and background of each person. A check is carried out to confirm that new staff are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom and they are paid above the legal minimum wage and they do not work longer hours than the legal maximum.

Other potential risks are mitigated at the suppliers by that fact that we are members of Sedex, and suppliers have been approved by our technical department.

The company has introduced a requirement that all suppliers must either be a member of Sedex, or they must give an undertaking that they have procedures in place that ensure that no part of their business is Slavery Human Trafficking.

The annual company review will include a review of the effectiveness of these procedures.

The Technical Manager has been trained against the Modern Slavery act 2015.

The company financial year ends on 30th September and the company directors will prepare a statement every year within 6 months of the end of the company financial year which will be posted on our web site.

This statement was agreed by the Board of Directors and signed by the Managing Director V W Harmer.

V W Harmer


BRC Agents and Brokers and Red Tractor Certified Standards
